Friday, July 16, 2010

Lots of things....

California is a beautiful place. Many times i sit and stare, thinking about the weather, the ocean, riding my bike, wishing i just had a million trillion dollars so everyday i could ride down to the beach, read, pray, eat and spend the rest of the day with people. I have spent most of my life thinking i am not a people person, but i beginning to think that's not true. I am learning to love relationships with people. They can effect so much of your life, what you do, say and how you feel. I think this might be because at 24 years old i have found friends. Real friends. I love my family and really cant imagine living in a place without them, and i do miss them dearly when i am away. But then again.... California is a beautiful place.......

I am going to spend the next weekish traveling around California seeing some friends, family until back to Arizona at the end of next week. I have a lot to think about. My life keeps taking this wild turns where again i have packed my car and pretty much living out of it minus the fact that i have friends houses to sleep in. This seems to happen quite often to me, i spent significant time laughing about that today with a friend. People get married, have babies start careers and my constant is living out of a car. ha. Oh life.

I am wondering where God wants me, where he is going to take me next. I am ready for anything. I was discussing today about the second coming. It could happen any day. Why am i not shouting at the rooftops trying to witness to people, where is my urgency? where is any ones urgency? Sometimes i act like we have all the time in the world to find Jesus Christ as our personal savior.... but this isn't true. Nothing is guaranteed. I believe this is something my dad says..... This conversation was brought on of course by first talking about death. Living with my grandparents has brought me face to face with the idea and reality of death. We had our neighbor die Tuesday morning. I couldn't believe it, it really happens, our earthly life really ends, and quicker then we know it. I think we spend so much of our life worrying and over thinking and before we know it it has passed us by........ when do i stop trying to run my life and give it over to God and really start living for Him.......... hmmmm... just thoughts really. Jumbled together....

Anyway... of to reality (college church group in carpenteria cali) tonight with my bud. I missed reality... its a great church doing great things. I enjoyed my weekends at rock harbor, also a terrific church. Excited to head back to CCV............. Also really would like to take the missions trip to Austria. I should just do it and stop talking about it. Give it to God.



  1. katie...i adore you. you have such a good heart! everything will work out. just think, God's closing doors to lead you to where he wants you to be! pretty awesome if you ask me...every day you are getting closer and closer to figuring out what's next long term! how exciting!!!!

  2. Even though it seems as though you are a really are right where God wants you to be. And best of all you are headed our way!! Tomorrow is promised to know what your dad likes to say, and there is an urgency for us to at least share Jesus Christ with everyone we see..however that looks:) It's best to be a Jesus Freak!!!
